We are excited to share with you the enriching and exciting experience our children had during their excursion to the mime performance, The Boy and the Ball. The performance provided an opportunity for our little learners to engage with creativity, movement, and storytelling in a unique and captivating way.

Through this experience, we saw the children actively involved in interpreting the story without words, using their imagination and emotions. One of our little learners became part of the performance engaging with the props and performer. She was also appointed the job of interacting with the crowd and provided opportunities to several children to also be active participants in the show. This aligns with the principals of the Early Years Learning Framework, which emphasises the importance of children being active learners, engaging in creative expression, and exploring different forms of communication. The mime performance was an excellent opportunity for the children to develop their skills in non-verbal communication, problem-solving, and emotional expression, which supports learning outcome 5 of the EYLF – Children are effective communicators.

Additionally, the experience supported Quality Area 1: Educational Program and Practice of the National Quality Standards – NQS, ensuring that our program is engaging, and responsive and promotes positive learning outcomes.

The mime performance sparked curiosity and allowed the children to develop their own stories and thoughts of what was happening, open up discussions around the themes of problem-solving, emotional resilience, and creativity, which are key to fostering a rich learning environment.

It was a fun, interesting and thought-provoking performance. All who attended thoroughly enjoyed the experience and were beautifully behaved throughout the experience.

We encourage you to talk to your children about their experiences and explore the ideas, stories and feelings they want to express. It’s wonderful to see how these experiences extend learning beyond the classroom.

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