‘Nido’ is the Italian word for ‘nest’ and Maria Montessori used this reference to describe the period where the young child needs a gentle, nurturing and protective environment in which to prepare for their growing independence. We find that this is the perfect term to describe our Montessori Playgroup, where a child attends with a parent or another trusted adult to enjoy the activities and learning experiences appropriate for this stage of development. Parents begin to appreciate the Montessori approach as the Coordinator guides them toward a better understanding of their own child’s developmental needs and milestones. Nido is designed to assist children to become independent and once the child is demonstrating his/her readiness, then the Coordinator and parent will collaborate to determine the next step in the child’s Montessori journey.

There are countless benefits for a child who attends one of our SA Montessori Playgroups. Our specialised Montessori materials capitalise on the natural instincts of toddlers – offering immersion in sensory experiences, promoting scientific exploration, enriching language skills and helping to coordinate motor movements. These materials are presented within a meticulously prepared environment that is lovingly designed to inspire, engage and delight your child. As your child traverses this environment to investigate our materials our skilled and experienced Montessori Playgroup Coordinator will be present to provide support and scaffolding. More importantly, you will be there to provide a guiding and helping hand. All of this early experience is invaluable if you are planning for your child to attend Montessori Preschool in the future – our Montessori Playgroup provides the perfect launching pad for that adventure!

But the benefits aren’t limited to your child – there are many advantages for you too!

Benefits for you!

Get a firsthand look at Montessori magic in action!
The Montessori method is an incredibly rich, detailed and nuanced philosophy. There are simply so many little pieces that fit together to build this life-changing puzzle. It can be hard to gain a full understanding of Montessori from reading a book or listening to an explanation – the best way to appreciate its magic is to see it in action!L

Learn more about Montessori for your own parenting.
Childhood is a journey, and so is parenting! Each day you grow as a parent, discovering new ideas and adding to your repertoire of strategies to support your child. In our Montessori Playgroup you will have access to a bounty of information – from watching the role modelling of our Playgroup Coordinator to reading the illuminating articles that are regularly provided

Find inspiration for your home.
The Montessori “prepared environment” is based on a series of specialised design principles that inspire exploration, foster independence and promote positive emotions. The aesthetics and arrangements you will see in our Playgroup can be easily translated into your home environment – just ask our specialised Playgroup Coordinator for support in identifying how you can take these elements home with you!

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