Resources for our Enrolled Families
If you are part of our SA Montessori community this is the place to find all the information you need to support your experience.

For all SA Montessori Families

Child Care Subsidy (CCS) Fact Sheet
We encourage our families to become familiar with the Child Care Subsidy as early as possible in their enrolment process. You can download our Fact Sheet but we strongly encourage our families to ensure they go straight to the source by visiting the Human Services website to learn more about CCS.

Absences & Holidays Fact Sheet
We encourage all families to familiarise themselves with the information relating to absences and holidays, particularly in relation to how these relate to CCS entitlements.

Nutrition, Health & Well-being at SA Montessori
In 2024 we thoroughly revised our Nutrition Policy and Eating at SA Montessori guide as a result of an extensive collaboration between parents, educators and community resources. We encourage you to read these resources to understand our principles and practices in relation to nutrition and holistic well-being.

Medical Action Plans
If your child has an Asthma, an allergy or other medical needs you will need a medical professional to complete an action plan authorising staff members to take action (beyond standard first aid treatment) and/or administer medication.
If your child has an allergy – including Anaphylaxis – please click the top button to the right to download the relevant action plan.
If your child has Asthma, or require an Individual First Aid Plan for another medical/physical condition, please visit the Health Care Plans link.
Please note that an Individual First Aid Plan (or equivalent) will be required even if your child’s medical needs are short-term (such as a course of antibiotics) as our team members are not authorised to administer any medication without specific instructions from a medical professional.

Parenting SA Guides
The Government of South Australia has developed a range of helpful and informative Parenting Guides that are highly valuable for families. These cover a broad range of topics, and assist parents with supporting newborn babies all the way through to teenagers. The guides are available in many languages, to ensure inclusion and accessibility for families from diverse backgrounds. As part of our commitment to sustainability, we do not tend to keep printed copies of these Parenting Guides on site, as we encourage families to access the digital versions. Printed copies can be sourced through your centre by special request.

Illness Policy
Our Illness Policy outlines the procedures that our centres follow, and that parents are required to comply with, to maintain our duty of care to our children and our obligation to provide a safe workplace environment for our educators. We thank all of our families for their cooperation and support.

Child Protection Policy
Our staff members, contractors and volunteers are mandated reporters and we are committed to providing safe environments for children and upholding our obligations to report harm or risk of harm. We invite families to read the Child Protection Policy that guides our standards and procedures in relation to this.

Immunisation Policy
Our Immunisation Policy outlines the connection between the National Immunisation Schedule and enrolment. This is an important Policy for families and we ask all parents and guardians to please familiarise themselves with these requirements. To read our other Policies please ask your centre Director where the Policy Folder is kept.

Sun Protection Policy
From the 1st May you will notice a change in practice in the classrooms as we no longer require children to wear hats or sunscreen for outdoor play unless the UV rating is 3 or above. This is in line with the recommendations of the Cancer Council, as explained in our Sun Protection Policy. To read our other Policies please ask your centre Director where the Policy Folder is kept.

Qik Kids Kiosk
For information about how to use our digital sign in and out program – QikKids Kiosk – please download this document. We also have a version available for families with English as a second language (ESL) which features several translations that were helpfully developed by parents and educators from SA Montessori to reflect the instructions as closely as possible.

Social Media ‘Opt Out’ Form
On your child’s Enrolment Form all families are invited to give consent (or not) for their child to feature in photographs that are used by SA Montessori for a range of different purposes. If you would like to withdraw consent for your child to appear in social media / blog posts please return the attached form.

Introducing ‘LoveHeart’ AI
As part of our commitment to continuous improvement and professional development, we use a range of techniques and resources to help our educators refine their skills and expand their repertoires. One of the tools that we utilise is a program called LoveHeart AI, learn more about it here.
For Cedars Montessori Families

Cedars Parent Handbook
We encourage all of our families to read the important information in our Handbook upon enrolment and to refer to this regularly throughout your Montessori journey.

DebitSuccess Form
If you need to update your details for your fee payments please download the DebitSuccess form and return the completed form to your centre Director or Administrator.
For Chancery Lane Montessori Families

Chancery Lane Parent Handbook
We encourage all of our families to read the important information in our Handbook upon enrolment and to refer to this regularly throughout your Montessori journey.

DebitSuccess Form
If you need to update your details for your fee payments please download the DebitSuccess form and return the completed form to your centre Director or Administrator.

Child Profile
Getting to know your child is one of the most important privileges for the Chancery Lane teachers, and you can help to give us a headstart by completing a Child Profile.

Uniform Order Form
Our uniform helps to promote the sense of belonging within our Chancery Lane community and celebrates our links with St Aloysius College.

Community Outings Permission Slip
Our Chancery Lane children develop connections with their local community through regular outings. We ask our parents to indicate whether they consent to their children participating in these trips.
For Echoes Montessori Families

Echoes Parent Handbook
We encourage all of our families to read the important information in our Handbook upon enrolment and to refer to this regularly throughout your Montessori journey.
For Jescott Montessori Families

Jescott Parent Handbook
We encourage all of our families to read the important information in our Handbook upon enrolment and to refer to this regularly throughout your Montessori journey.

DebitSuccess Form
If you need to update your details for your fee payments please download the DebitSuccess form and return the completed form to your centre Director or Administrator.
For Lilillput Village Montessori Families

Lilliput Village Parent Handbook
We encourage all of our families to read the important information in our Handbook upon enrolment and to refer to this regularly throughout your Montessori journey.

DebitSuccess Form
If you need to update your details for your fee payments please download the DebitSuccess form and return the completed form to your centre Director or Administrator.
For Little Oxford Montessori Families

Little Oxford Parent Handbook
We encourage all of our families to read the important information in our Handbook upon enrolment and to refer to this regularly throughout your Montessori journey.

DebitSuccess Form
If you need to update your details for your fee payments please download the DebitSuccess form and return the completed form to your centre Director or Administrator.
For Rosemont House Montessori Families

Rosemont House Parent Handbook
We encourage all of our families to read the important information in our Handbook upon enrolment and to refer to this regularly throughout your Montessori journey.

DebitSuccess Form
If you need to update your details for your fee payments please download the DebitSuccess form and return the completed form to your centre Director or Administrator.

Uniform Order Form
Our uniform helps to promote the sense of belonging within our Rosemont House Montessori community.
Years Established
Get In Touch
Cedars Montessori - Unley
Chancery Lane Montessori - Adelaide CBD -
Echoes Montessori - Modbury
Jescott Montessori - Magill
Lilliput Village Montessori - Maylands
Little Oxford Montessori - Unley
Rosemont House Montessori - Norwood
Montessori Child is our preferred supplier for educational resources.
Our website is updated regularly and we endeavour to ensure it reflects current and accurate information - however, all details displayed are subject to change. It is important that you contact a centre directly to confirm up to date and correct details.
We would like to acknowledge this land upon which we live and learn as the traditional lands of the Kaurna people and we respect their spiritual relationship with Country. We also acknowledge the Kaurna people as the custodians of the greater Adelaide region and that their cultural and heritage beliefs are still as important to the living Kaurna people today and we give our respect to Elders.