by | Monday, April 15th, 2019 | Montessori at home
Here are a few helpful hints for you to encourage literacy skills with your child at home! -As tempting as the ‘ABC’ song is…Montessori deliberately introduces phonetics first (the SOUND the letter makes, not it’s “name”) so it is...
by | Monday, April 15th, 2019 | Montessori at home
MHere are a few helpful hints for you to encourage numeracy skills with your child at home! -Make mathematics fun and relevant! The more you make your child aware of the uses and benefits of numerals, counting and maths the more they will enjoy and...
by | Monday, April 15th, 2019 | Montessori at home, Uncategorized
Here are a few helpful hints for you to utilise and reinforce Practical Life skills and experiences with your child at home! -Ask your child to help you with preparing meals or snacks. We provide practice with utensils such as graters and...